
Install a Play Framework module from source

November 11, 2011

codecodingmoduleplay frameworkthe web

The Play Framework provides a great flexible Module system whereby any stand-alone code can be separated entirely from your main application. There are a number of pre-build and ready to go modules available here. What if you want to check one out from github or googlecode and use it from source? Unfortunately, the Play Framework documentation on this is very sparse, so here’s how:

Get your Play Module

Checkout your module from github or googlecode, etc. For example, I wanted to use the Google App Engine module from github:

$ cd /path/to/play/modules
$ git clone
$ mv play-gae gae

Now the module is available in /path/to/play/modules/gae .

Compile your Play Module

Now you need to ‘build’ the module so it’s ready for the Play Framework. This will also create a distributable .zip file, but we’re not interested in that.

$ cd gae
$ play build-module

Answer the questions about the version of the module and the required version of Play Framework. The build process output should look something like;

~        _            _
~  _ __ | | __ _ _  _| |
~ | '_ \\| |/ _' | || |_|
~ |  __/|_|\\____|\\__ (_)
~ |_|            |__/
~ play! 1.1,
~ What is the module version number? 1.5
~ What are the playframework versions required? 1.1
~ Building...
Buildfile: /path/to/play/modules/gae/build.xml


     \[echo\] Disabling annotation processing
    \[javac\] Compiling 6 source files to /usr/local/play/play-1.1/modules/gae/tmp/classes


     \[copy\] Copying 2 files to /path/to/play/modules/gae/tmp/classes
      \[jar\] Building jar: /path/to/play/modules/gae/lib/play-gae.jar
   \[delete\] Deleting directory /path/to/play/modules/gae/tmp

Total time: 4 seconds
~ Packaging gae-1.5 ...
~ Done!
~ Package is available at /usr/local/play/play-1.1/modules/gae/dist/

Tell your application about the module

You have to let your application know about the module and its location by editing the /path/to/your/app/conf/application.conf file, and adding the following line:


Test and enjoy

Now when you run your application, the module should be recognised and loaded. Keep in mind that each time you make a source code change to your module, you’ll have to do the compile step again. Enjoy!

Jess Telford

Jess Telford
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